LIVE REVIEW AND PHOTO GALLERY: HARDCASTLE a SOLD OUT SHOW on May 22, 2024 at Genghis Cohen in Los Angeles

What makes music, writing, poetry, photography, or any other form of art authentic? Well, in my humble opinion, all you have to do is read the short bio of the band called HARDCASTLE  and feel the words of the band’s lyrics and listen to their music.

Written by Don Marcelo

The LA Alternative Rock Band HARDCASTLE performed a SOLD OUT SHOW on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at Genghis Cohen in Los Angeles. The band consists of the following talented and amazing artists:

  • Graham Laderman – LEAD VOCALS
  • Noah Christian – BASS
  • Jason Puma – DRUMS
  • Raul ‘Perro’ Murillo – GUITAR
  • Iman Beshid – GUITAR

HARDCASTLE  put on a spectacular show with lots of high energy performance even on some of the slower songs. The small venue was jam packed with fans where there’s not a lot of space to move around. Crowded as it may have been, the fans were there to sweat it out all night long in support of HARDCASTLE. 

Despite the small and crowded space, Graham’s explosive energy did not stop him from making his way through the middle of the venue at one point and sang his heart and soul out to all his loyal fans. That’s pure passion and authenticity in one’s love of his art and craft, if I may say so.

Their sound has that old school yet very modern alternative rock feel, melodic, powerful, sweet and soulful behind each song. The words to all their music are very influential, deep, and spiritual where a person can instantly get lost in a space in one’s mind in search of a meaning and purpose in one’s life and to go look for an escape from the “MUNDANE”* and to stop being a “HOSTAGE”* and a victim to what society thinks on how one’s life should be lived, but instead to try to discover and create a life worth living.

By the way, “MUNDANE” and their new song “HOSTAGE” are two of my favorites from HARDCASTLE. Check out their latest music video of “HOSTAGE” on YouTube and see what I mean about the words behind their music and how good their music is:

If you love music, great performance, and the drive to create a life worth living, FOLLOW HARDCASTLE in all of their social media platforms to find out more about the band and their passion of sharing and creating beautiful music.

Hardcastle links

Photo Gallery of the performances by © Don Marcelo Photography 2024

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